Cheat Mod RAGS [ON HIATUS] No Haven: Cheat Mod [v0.79 TF] [Bedlam games]

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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Sadly the new version of the cheat mod will not be released today as it is simply not in a release-ready state yet becayyse the emergency repairs on my house took a lot longer than expected.
Hopefully I'll have it ready at the end of the coming week, the first weekend of August, that is the new goal.
Sorry everyone :(
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
when can we expect an update can u give us a rough guess
My best estimate is Sunday the 5th of August 2018 at around 22:00 GMT+1. It will most likely only have basic functionality, which does NOT include assignment of traits, corruption and biomancy, as those will take longer to get in.

Generally speaking, it will be ready as soon as it is ready, no sooner, no later.
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The Real Slim Semei
Mar 11, 2017
Sadly there will not be any update today.
Bedlam moved to RAGS 3.0.60. From a player perspective that makes a lot of sense, since the 3.0.60 Player runs a lot more smoothly than the 2.4.16 Player.

From my perspective this was a bad move, since the Rags 3.0.60 Designer used to develop and modify RAGS 3.0.60 games runs very poorly on my systems.
Ever since the move and since I tried to port to the new version I keep getting hit by horrible lag, hangs, unresponsiveness etc. that makes modding the game REALLY taste my patience and the amount of time I have available.

Because of this, I am putting this mod on hiatus until I can get a new computer where the 3.0.60 Designer will run more smoothly.

As to when I can get a new computer, that is another story. It could be months, a year, a decade, no one knows.
I am sorry to disappoint everyone who has been waiting for the port, but I simply do not have the patience nor the time to do it on my current systems.

Until my mod project goes out of hiatus, I would like to point you to
@Frank-N-Stein's , which is current under active development and has been ported for No Haven 0.803.


Jun 14, 2018
well, sorry to hear about that. it really suxs when our pc gets too old for us to do stuff efficiently.

1 - How is you're current pc btw (in therms of old / hardware !?
2 - And what would be necessary to run that sort of programming !?

3 - And do you have some sort of patreon / gofundme account !?
4 - And how much would cost a pc to help you in you're ... coding and studies ?


Feb 10, 2018
Arrrrghhhhh. Version 4.1 when downloaded stops on 3,5MB and there is info about problem. I dont get it. I try 3 times download that mod but it isn't working. Save me with this. Please reupload or add new link to working wersion


Jun 22, 2018
Arrrrghhhhh. Version 4.1 when downloaded stops on 3,5MB and there is info about problem. I dont get it. I try 3 times download that mod but it isn't working. Save me with this. Please reupload or add new link to working wersion
Considering this mod is on hiatus (and out of date as it hasn't been worked on since August), you might want to try the Loaded Dice mod instead. See below quote from this mod's creator:
Until my mod project goes out of hiatus, I would like to point you to
Frank-N-Stein's , which is current under active development
Unless you prefer an old version of the game for some reason (happens from time to time), in which case you'll have to hope somebody still has this lying around to re-upload.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
This is a thread about a mod.
There's nowhere else to ask questions about the mod.
Even the mod creator recommended using a different and still active mod instead but hey, you do you.
Maybe there's some benefit to playing a completely outdated version of the game that I'm not aware of.
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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote