3D-Mixed NEW HOPE- DAZ3D, AI, PS post-work, Text, Video animations

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Dec 28, 2023

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

A household in the small, rural American town of New Hope is struggling to maintain their way of life after the death of the patriarch, John Johnson. John's widow, Melinda, a loving mother and devoted wife, is left to care for her eldest, Mary, aged twenty-four, and a younger boy her tenant, Jeff, twenty-one.
The Mayor and the community elders approach Melinda with a proposal. They suggest that she marry her tenant Jeff in order to preserve the family's property and inheritance rights. This is an old tradition in New Hope, where land and property are passed down through the male line.
Melinda, torn between her love for her late husband and her desire to keep her family together, agrees to the arrangement. She explains the situation to her daughter, who both understand the need to uphold their family's legacy. Mary, is supportive of the decision, while Jeff is initially hesitant, but eventually accepts his new role as both husband and father figure to her.
The three of them enter into a marriage of convenience, with Jeff taking on the responsibility of supporting his wife and daughter financially, and Melinda and Mary accepting Jeff as their new head of household. Jeff feels a sense of pride and accomplishment in his new role as a husband and a custodial parent. This responsibility makes him feel like a useful member of his family and the community, upholding his landlord's legacy and contributing to the well-being of all those around him.
The family's love and support for one another, along with their acceptance of the marriage of convenience, help them navigate the challenges they face. In doing so, they become a shining example of the strength and resilience that can be found within the bonds of family and tradition. The family begins to navigate the challenges of their new dynamic, learning to adapt to their changed roles and responsibilities.
As they adjust to their new lives, the family discovers that their bond is stronger than ever. The love and support they share help them overcome the initial shock and discomfort of their situation. They become a model for the community, showing that even in the face of adversity, the ties of family and tradition can prevail.
In this narrative, we see a family coming together to maintain their way of life in the face of hardship and loss. Through their marriage of convenience, they find strength in each other and learn to embrace their new roles and responsibilities. In the end, they become an inspiration to the people of New Hope, proving that tradition and family bonds can withstand even the most challenging circumstances.

Thread Updated: 2024-03-22
Release Date: 2024-03-14
Artist: Secundus67
Censored: No
Language: English

Animated, Cream pie, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Group sex, Hand job, Lesbian, Tit fuck, Internal view, Virgin, Voyeurism, Lactation, Masturbation, Prostitution, Romance, Kinetic Novel, Male protagonist, Female protagonist, Milf, Harem, Pregnancy, Voiced

Themes: Road trip, 1940s setting, Polygamy, Coming of age, Seduction, Guns and liquor, Patriarchy-male line of inheritance, Older younger, Vintage cars and motorcycles, Drama-sadness-depression, Master and Disciple, Martial arts, Bordello-whorehouse, Ai writing assistance.

PS. Dear viewers,

As we embark on this journey together, I ask for your patience and understanding. While the thread is still in its infancy, devoid of renders and animations, I urge you not to hastily judge its lack thereof. My intent is to establish a foundation for the narrative, ensuring a seamless continuity for the story that will unfold. Rest assured, future installments will be accompanied by the visual elements promised. I invite you to revisit and witness the evolution of this tale firsthand. I am a fan of F95Z and I will only post here, in this thread, my artwork in a form of an illustrated erotic fiction story. I will not use third party websites to upload my renders and animations. This is an educational project for me. I'll combine the new things I am learning in my "Quest of becoming a better artist using Ai assisted writing, plus Screenplay-writing, Photography, Photoshop and Cinematography techniques" and post it here, in this thread, free of charge... Someone from F95Z community once commented on a post of mine in the past " Free assets for making art... " and I couldn't agree more...:)

Warm regards,
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 1.


In the summer of 1941, Staff Sergeant John Johnson was granted a precious 48-hour leave from his duties with the 16th Infantry Division before his impending deployment overseas. Sensing the urgency to spend cherished moments with his family, John hastily arranged a weekend getaway to Asbury Park, New Jersey, a tranquil seaside retreat that held fond memories from his own youth.

The Johnson family's beachfront cottage nestled itself snugly among a row of similar quaint abodes, each boasting its own unique charm along the sandy shores of Asbury Park in the summer of 1941. A weathered wooden façade greeted visitors, its paint faded by years of coastal sun and salt-laden air, yet exuding an inviting warmth that spoke of countless summers past.

As one stepped onto the front porch, the creak of aged floorboards beneath their feet echoed the memories of generations who had come before. A pair of white wooden rocking chairs adorned the porch, their well-worn seats offering a comfortable perch from which to admire the sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean stretching out before them. A small table stood between the chairs, adorned with a vase of freshly picked wildflowers, their vibrant hues contrasting with the weathered wood of the porch railing.

Upon entering the cottage, guests were greeted by the cozy embrace of a sunlit living room, its walls adorned with framed photographs capturing moments of joy and laughter from summers past. A worn but comfortable sofa sat against one wall, its faded floral upholstery inviting weary travelers to sink into its soft cushions and relax. A handcrafted coffee table adorned with seashells and driftwood served as a centerpiece, a testament to the cottage's coastal charm.

Adjacent to the living room, a modest kitchen awaited, its countertops adorned with vintage appliances that spoke of a bygone era. A rustic dining table occupied the center of the room, its surface polished to a soft sheen from years of family meals shared in quiet companionship.

Beyond the living area lay the sanctuary of the cottage's bedrooms, each adorned with simple furnishings that offered a respite from the world outside. The master bedroom, with its cozy queen-sized bed dressed in crisp white linens, beckoned weary travelers to sink into its embrace and drift off to dreams of sun-drenched days and salt-kissed air.

Across the hall, the children's bedroom awaited, its walls adorned with colorful beach towels and posters depicting scenes of seaside adventures. A double bed, adorned with a patchwork quilt lovingly stitched by Melinda's own hand, offered a haven for Jeff and Mary to rest their heads after long days of exploration and play.

The family reveled in simple pleasures during their brief respite, relishing in the sun-drenched days spent lounging on the sandy shores and meandering along the bustling boardwalk. John, with a heaviness in his heart and a determination to create lasting memories, immersed himself in every moment, cherishing the laughter and warmth of his beloved family.

As the sun set over the resort, casting a warm glow across the water, Melinda and John sat together on their balcony, sipping cocktails. The day had been filled with fun and relaxation, but an underlying tension had been brewing between them.
Melinda stared out into the distance, her thoughts drifting to the inevitable separation that lay ahead. John, oblivious to her inner turmoil, leaned in close, his breath hot against her neck.
"I love you, Melinda," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't want to be away from you for so long."
Melinda closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain that his words evoked. She knew that John was worried about her, but she also felt the sting of his possessiveness.
"I know, baby," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. "But we have to be strong for each other."
John pulled her closer, his arms tight around her. She could feel his erection pressing against her back, and despite her own desires, she couldn't help but feel disgusted by his overt display of lust.
"Let's go inside," John said, his voice hoarse. "I need you."
Melinda hesitated for a moment, but then reluctantly agreed. As they stepped into their master bedroom, she could sense the sexual tension in the air, and she knew that John would not take no for an answer.
The room was dark, John pushed her gently onto the bed and began to undress her, his hands rough and demanding. Melinda tried to resist, but he was too strong, and she soon found herself naked and vulnerable under his gaze.
John climbed on top of her, his body pressing down on hers with a force that she could barely stand. He kissed her passionately, his tongue invading her mouth and forcing her to taste his desire.
"Please, John," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I can't do this."
But he ignored her pleas, instead reaching for the bedside table where he had stashed his condoms. He ripped open the package and rolled it onto his erection, then positioned himself behind her.
Melinda cried out in pain as he forced his way into her, his thick, rough hands gripping her hips tightly. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the sensations, but the pain was too much to bear.
As John began to thrust into her, he grew more aggressive, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Melinda could feel his anger and possessiveness coursing through him, and she knew that there was no way to escape this horrible act.
Their lovemaking was brutal and unforgiving, each thrust sending waves of pain through Melinda's body. John continued to pound into her, his face contorted with lust and rage.
Finally, he came, his body jerking violently as he released his seed. Melinda felt a strange mixture of relief and shame as he pulled out of her and collapsed next to her on the bed.
They lay there in silence, their bodies entwined, the sweat cooling on their skin. Melinda tried to find the words to express her hurt and anger, but she knew that John would only lash out at her if she did. So, she remained silent, burying her feelings deep within herself.
As the night wore on, John drifted off to sleep, leaving Melinda to stare up at the ceiling, her mind filled with thoughts of what lay ahead. She knew that this would not be the last time they would be together before his deployment, but she prayed that it would be the last time they would share a bed in this way.
During their rough sexual encounter Mary, her twenty-one years of old daughter, had her ears covered by her brother's hands in order to protect her from witnessing the whole sex scene. Jeff, her eighteen years old son, who was listening from the thin wall on his bedroom, was corrupted by this act of anal sex on his mother committed by a drunk and filled with anger husband.
Jeff knew that he shouldn't be listening, but he couldn't help himself. As he pressed his ear against the wall, he could hear the raw passion and intensity of his landlord's forced lovemaking. Though he couldn't see what was happening, his imagination filled in the blanks, painting vivid pictures in his mind.
As the sounds of his guardians' lovemaking faded, Jeff felt a deep sense of shame and guilt wash over him. He knew that he had just witnessed something incredibly private and intimate, and yet he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction at having been there to experience it.
The next morning, as they packed their bags and prepared to leave the resort, Melinda could feel a deep sense of sadness and resignation settling over her. John, oblivious to her inner turmoil, smiled brightly and promised her that everything would be alright. But Melinda knew that nothing would ever be the same again.
As they made their way back home, Jeff found himself more and more drawn to the memory of what he had heard through the wall. He began to fantasize about his guardians, imagining them in various sexual situations, and eventually, he even found himself masturbating to these thoughts.
His secret became an obsession, and he found himself drawn to the forbidden fruit of his own guardians' sexuality. Though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't help himself, and soon enough, he was caught in a web of sexual fantasies and desires. He found himself experiencing one of the human pathos described so raw in The Doors song "The End" by Jim Morrison's lyrics..."And he came to a door...and he looked inside Father, yes son, I want to kill you Mother...I want to...WAAAAAA"...
... In a fit of rage, fueled by a mix of frustration and fear for the future, he seized a pen and with unsteady hands, scrawled these words across the cherished family photograph.

The image captured a moment frozen in time - his father-figure guardian, dressed immaculately in his uniform, ready to embark on the ship that would carry him into the heart of World War II's battlefields.
This simple act of defiance served as both an expression of his deepest emotions and a silent plea for protection over those he held most dear during this tumultuous period in history. Jeff declared his guardian dead in 1941(*) ...

Main story
As the days turned into weeks and months during John's absence, New Hope found itself grappling with unforeseen challenges that threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of their community. The war raged on, bringing with it a wave of uncertainty and change that no one could have anticipated. The things took an unexpected turn when Mayor Braddock asked all three of them to his office.
In the quaint, close-knit community of New Hope, a tradition as old as time itself dictated that property and land were passed down through the male lineage. This unspoken rule was deeply ingrained into the very fabric of society, with every family adhering to its strict principles.

Amidst the chaos of World War II, John, a respected soldier from New Hope, prepared to leave his beloved wife Melinda and young daughter Mary behind. The weight of responsibility for their future weighed heavily on him as he considered the potential consequences should anything happen to him in battle. With this in mind, John made a solemn pledge that would forever change the course of their lives.

Mayor Braddock, who was well-versed in the intricacies of New Hope's customs and traditions, informed Melinda about her husband's decision. According to John's pledge, if he were to perish during the war, Melinda would be expected to marry Jeff. This arrangement was designed to ensure that their property and land remained within the family, safeguarding John's legacy from potential outsiders who might seek to exploit his absence for personal gain.

John's motives were not purely altruistic; he harbored a deep-seated fear of losing control over his hard-earned possessions and seeing them fall into the hands of interlopers. By arranging for Melinda to marry Jeff, he could rest assured that their land would remain in the family and not be sold off by an unscrupulous outsider looking to make a quick profit at New Hope's expense.

In order to solidify this arrangement, John requested that Jeff immediately propose to Melinda and assume his role as both husband and father figure to Mary. This swift action would send a clear message to the rest of the community: Melinda and Mary were off-limits to any who might seek to take advantage of their vulnerable state during these tumultuous times.

Melinda and Jeff were now engaged to be married, bound by the pledge left by Melinda's husband who was deployed in WW2. As part of this pledge, her husband had requested that if Melinda were to marry after his death, she must prove her intimacy with Jeff before receiving the signed and stamped documents granting them ownership of the land and property.
Melinda, however, was still participating in an abstinence program and wasn't comfortable engaging in sexual activities involving penetration. Despite this, they needed the documents to fulfill her husband's wishes and maintain their claim to the property.
So, they devised a plan. Every Friday night, they would go to the local drive-in movie theater. They would get into their car, turn on the lights, and act like any other couple enjoying a movie. Then Melinda would undress and remain in her lingerie and panties. Jeff, on the other hand, would be only wearing his boxer.
Once inside the car, Melinda would straddle Jeff in a reverse cowgirl position, lifting her bra from time to time to allow Jeff to fondle her breasts. This display of intimacy, although not involving penetration, would fuel the rumors about their relationship. Unaware of the real reason behind their actions, the paparazzi sent by the Mayor would report back, providing the necessary proof for the Mayor to finally release the signed and stamped documents.
Thus, Melinda and Jeff were able to fulfill her husband's wishes and claim the property they had been fighting for. (**)
The mayor and other town officials closely monitored their progress, ensuring that they were fulfilling their roles properly. Each week, they would meet with Melinda and Jeff to discuss how they were faring in their new lives together. At first, they were awkward and uncomfortable with each other, but as time went on, they began to grow closer.
Melinda, still grieving for her husband's violation of her body and his preposterous pledge, found comfort in having someone to talk to each night. She would confide in Jeff about her worries and fears, treating him as a confidant and an equal. Jeff, in turn, was learning the responsibilities that came with being a man and a provider. He took pride in being able to help his mother and sister, and he began to feel more mature and responsible.
As the weeks turned into months, their relationship began to change. They found themselves looking forward to their nightly conversations and the sense of companionship that came with them. They slept in the same bed, with Melinda spooning her son to provide him with the comfort and security that he needed. Sometimes, Mary would join them, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of her family.
Their newfound intimacy was a welcome distraction from the hardships of everyday life. They began to rely on each other, finding strength in their shared experiences. Their love for Mary, and their commitment to each other, grew stronger with each passing day.
As the war dragged on, Melinda and Jeff continued to live their lives as a family. They had found a new purpose in their roles, and they were determined to make it work, for the sake of Mary and the community they loved. In the end, they discovered that sometimes, the most unlikely of situations can bring about the greatest of joys.

After several "Friday nights of car sex in the Drive In" they were summoned to the Mayor's office. Mayor Johnson sat at his desk, reviewing documents. He looked up as Melinda and Jeff entered his office. "Ah, you're here. Please have a seat." They sat across from him, their faces filled with nervous anticipation.
"I must say, your progress has been quite remarkable. You've both adapted well to your new lives together," the mayor said, his tone warm and encouraging. "I understand that you've been sleeping in the same bed, spooning each other. That's quite touching, really."
Melinda nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. She leaned closer to Jeff, seeking comfort. Jeff put an arm around her shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
"It's clear that you've found solace in each other during these difficult times," the mayor continued. "You've even managed to maintain your abstinence, which I must say is quite impressive."
Jeff nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Now, I've been receiving reports from the paparazzo I sent to monitor your progress. They've captured some interesting photos of you two 'engaging' in intimate acts."
He slid a folder across the table, and Melinda and Jeff looked through it. There were pictures of them together, with Jeff naked from the waist up and Melinda wearing only lingerie and panties. Jeff was seemingly penetrating Melinda.
"I must say, these photos are quite convincing," the mayor said. "They show that you're truly committed to each other and to your roles as a family."
With a sigh of relief, he handed them the signed and stamped documents. "I wish you both the best in your new lives together. Remember, you have each other now, and that's all that matters."
Melinda and Jeff stood up, thanking the mayor profusely. As they left the office, they held hands, their love for each other stronger than ever before.
Outside the mayor's office, Melinda and Jeff walked hand-in-hand towards their house. Mary followed them, her smile radiating joy.
Melinda stopped and turned to Jeff, pulling him closer for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. Mary joined them, hugging her "parents" tightly. They embraced for a few moments, sharing a bond that transcended the tragedies they'd faced.
As they entered their home, they found themselves looking forward to the future, ready to face whatever challenges might come their way, as long as they had each other.

Staff Sergeant John Johnson service-Epilogue

In the heart of New York harbor, Fort Jay was home to the esteemed 16th Infantry Regiment, known as "New York's Own." They spent their time there until 1941, where they adopted the regimental song, "The Sidewalks of New York," and earned recognition for their service. Their bravery would be put to the test during World War II when they were called upon in North Africa.

During a fierce battle at Kasserine, the 16th Infantry demonstrated immense courage, earning them the Croix de Guerre from the French Government. However, as the war continued, new challenges emerged that would push even the most seasoned soldiers to their limits. The U.S. artillery and tanks of the 1st Armored Division entered the fray, only to fall into a deadly trap set by German forces.

A forward artillery observer recalled the horrifying scene as tank after tank was destroyed or engulfed in flames. The 21st Panzer Division resumed its advance towards Faïd, leaving American infantry vulnerable. Their shallow shell scrapes provided little protection against German tank drivers who could easily crush them with a single maneuver.

The 1st Armored Division made several attempts to halt the German onslaught but met with failure at every turn. Each defensive position they tried to occupy had already been overrun, and they suffered heavy losses from relentless attacks by German troops. It was during this chaotic battle that Staff Sergeant John Johnson would meet his untimely demise.

With a keen sense of strategy and courage, Staff Sergeant Johnson directed his comrades to take cover behind rocks as he attempted to locate a sniper who had been terrorizing their ranks. "Snipper get down behind these rocks! I think I know where he is! Stay put. I think I got him!" With those words, the seasoned sergeant stepped out from behind his own rock and exposed himself to enemy fire in an attempt to protect his fellow soldiers.

In a tragic turn of events, Staff Sergeant Johnson was shot dead by the very sniper he had been trying to eliminate. His sacrifice would not be in vain as it allowed his comrades to regroup and continue their fight against the German forces. The memory of this brave soldier's final moments would serve as an inspiration for generations of soldiers who followed, reminding them of the selflessness and courage required in the face of adversity.

The battles fought by the 16th Infantry Regiment during World War II were a testament to their resilience and determination. Their service at Kasserine earned them recognition from both their own government and that of France, while Staff Sergeant John Johnson's heroic actions would be remembered as an example of true sacrifice for one's comrades. The legacy of "New York's Own" lives on in the hearts of those who honor their service and remember their bravery during some of the darkest days of human history.

(*) New Hope Weekend At Asbury Park 1941 video animation: I understand if the photo is misleading! :) The 16th infantry left in 1941 to be deployed in Europe and later took initiative in North Afrika. So summer of 1941 was the last time Jeff saw his guardian. So the title Asbury Park 1941 was Jeff's last memory. His guardian got killed in the battle of Kasserine 19-21 February 1943. It's all in the video. I will update also chapter 1 post for the text of my story soon...What you saw in the photograph 1900-1941 was when he as Jeff lost his guardian. That photo inscription is by Jeff as he never forgot what his landlord did that night back in summer of 1941, to his guardian-Mom :) It's all on my next update...the prequel of my story! )

(**) The Hook video animation shows the "charade" Melinda and Jeff staged for the Mayor's paparazzo spies. Every Friday night at the local Drive In they pretend they're getting fucked giving them a good "peep show."...
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 2.

As the months turned into years, the town began to heal from the wounds of war. Melinda and Jeff's bond had grown too strong to be easily broken. They continued to support each other, to love each other, and to make their family the center of their world.
The mayor and town elders, seeing the happiness that had come from their unusual arrangement, decided to make the marriage of convenience an official one. So, they allowed the family to continue on in their newfound happiness, knowing that they had played a part in bringing it about.
And so, Melinda, Jeff, and Mary lived happily ever after, their lives intertwined by love, loss, and the strength of their shared experience. They were a family in every sense of the word, and they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, forever and always.
Once the mayor and town elders decided to make their arrangement official, Melinda and Jeff found themselves married in a small, intimate ceremony. The community gathered around them, cheering and offering their support as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together.
As husband and wife, they were now expected to start a family. Melinda, now forty years old, knew that her time to have children was growing short, and she was determined to give her new husband and her beloved Mary the family they deserved.(*)
Jeff, now twenty-one, was eager to fulfill his role as a husband and a father. He had grown up fast in the past few years, and he was ready to take on the responsibilities that came with adulthood. He looked forward to the day when he could hold his own child in his arms and pass on the love and strength that had been given to him.
The first few months of their marriage were a whirlwind of adjustment. They had to learn how to live together as man and wife, and they had to find ways to communicate their desires and needs to each other. Melinda was hesitant at first, unsure of how Jeff would react to her newfound sexuality. She had been celibate since the loss of her husband, and she was afraid that she had lost touch with her own sensuality.
Jeff, on the other hand, was eager to explore this new side of their relationship. He had always been attracted to Melinda, and now that they were married, he felt free to express his desires openly. He would watch her as she moved around the house, admiring her curves and her soft, feminine features. He longed to touch her, to feel her skin against his own once again as they did on their staged "Friday Nights". Only this time it should be for real...
(*) If someone is paying close attention, they will notice that the timeline of events doesn't match the main characters' lives and ages. Melinda became a widow at the age of forty, and Jeff and Mary became half-orphans by losing their guardian/father. However, they are already married for several years. The reason for this discrepancy is simple: their marriage of convenience was a "fake" one, forced upon them by the Mayor and his elders. This was done to honor John's pathetic and jealous pledge, as well as in accordance with the rule of a male line inheritance in the family. (For more information, please refer to chapter one's main story.)
The reason Melinda and Jeff pretended to have sex when they went to their movie Friday nights in New Hope's Drive In is because they were under pressure to fulfill the terms of the forced marriage. Melinda was still grieving and abstinent before her husband's death, and she never forgave him for making her experience rough anal sex during their vacation in Asbury Park's cottage in the summer of '41.
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 3.


One night, as they sat together on the couch, watching the sunset through the window, Jeff could no longer contain himself. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers, tentatively at first, then with more passion. Melinda responded eagerly, her hands finding their way into his hair as she deepened the kiss. When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless and flushed with desire.
"Melinda," Jeff whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I want you. I want to make love to you."
Her heart raced at his words. She had never imagined that she would feel this way again, but she knew that she couldn't deny her feelings for Jeff any longer. She nodded, her eyes shining with tears of joy and relief.
They made their way to their bedroom, their hands clasped tightly together. As they undressed each other, revealing their bodies to each other for the first time, Melinda couldn't help but marvel at how much Jeff had grown up. His muscles were more defined now, and his skin was covered in a light dusting of hair that she found incredibly sexy. He looked at her with such tenderness and desire that she felt herself melting inside.
Soon enough, they found themselves in their bed, their bodies pressed tightly together. Jeff took a deep breath, his chest expanding against Melinda's breasts. He felt her shiver in anticipation and smiled reassuringly before beginning his intimate exploration. His fingers traced circles on her abdomen, slowly working their way down towards her sensitive folds.
Melinda gasped as she felt his fingers brush against her, her hips bucking up against his touch. She had never felt so desired or so alive. As Jeff continued to tease and stimulate her, she found herself getting closer and closer to reaching her climax. But just as she thought she couldn't take anymore, he stopped.
"Melinda," he whispered, his voice thick with lust. "I want to be inside you. To feel you wrapped around me."
She nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She was ready for him. Together, they positioned themselves for intercourse, their bodies aligning perfectly. As Jeff slowly pushed his engorged member towards her entrance, Melinda braced herself for the inevitable pain. But instead, all she felt was a warm, pleasurable fullness.
"Are you okay?" Jeff asked, his voice shaking with emotion.
"Yes," Melinda whispered back, her eyes locked on his. "I'm more than okay."
With that, they began to move together, their bodies in sync as they explored this newfound passion that had blossomed between them. As they reached their climaxes, their moans and gasps filled the room, echoing their deep connection and love for each other.
The first few moments after their intense lovemaking were filled with silence, as they caught their breath and basked in the afterglow of their passion. But as Melinda felt Jeff's warm seed filling her womb, she knew that this was only the beginning of their journey together.
As they lay in each other's arms, their hearts racing from the intense pleasure they'd just shared, they were unaware of the presence of Melinda's daughter, Mary, who had quietly entered the room. Mary, who was twenty-four years old and single, had always been curious about sex but had never experienced it herself. She had been living with her mother and Jeff since they got married, and she had grown increasingly attracted to Jeff over the months.
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 4.

As she watched her mother and stepfather making love, Mary felt a mixture of emotions: shock, arousal, and curiosity. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight of their naked bodies entwined, grinding against each other in a primal dance of desire. She could see every detail of their bodies - the sweat glistening on their skin, the rhythmic movement of their hips, and the sounds of their moans and gasps.
Despite her initial shock, Mary found herself becoming more and more aroused by what she was seeing. She couldn't help but imagine herself in her mother's place, feeling Jeff's powerful thrusts inside her. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought.
As the couple reached their climaxes, their passionate cries echoing through the room, Mary couldn't help but feel a deep sense of longing. She wanted this - to experience the raw, unbridled passion that her mother and stepfather were sharing. But at the same time, she felt guilty for having these thoughts. This was her mother and stepfather, after all.
As the afterglow began to fade, and Jeff finally collapsed onto Melinda's sweaty body, Mary realized that she had just witnessed something life-changing. She knew that she would never be able to look at her mother or Jeff the same way again. And deep down, she wondered if this newfound curiosity would lead her down a path she hadn't even considered before.
The next morning, Melinda and Jeff emerged from their bedroom, still a little groggy from their late-night lovemaking session. They found themselves blushing as they remembered the intense passion they had shared. They were surprised to find Mary already seated at the breakfast table, a smile playing on her lips.
"Good morning," Melinda said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. "Did you sleep well?"
"Very well, thank you," Mary replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Her cheeks were flushed, and there was an air of excitement about her.
Jeff cleared his throat, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation. "So, what do you have planned for today, Mary?" he asked, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.
"Well," Mary said, her eyes flickering between them. "I was thinking maybe we could go shopping or something. You know, just hang out together."
Melinda glanced at Jeff, who nodded hesitantly. They knew that they couldn't keep Mary locked up in the house forever, and they also knew that they needed to find a way to connect with her. "Sounds like a great idea," Melinda said with a smile.
As they sat down to eat their breakfast, Melinda couldn't help but wonder what the future held for their little family. She knew that things would never be the same again, but she also felt a sense of hope and excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead.
Jeff sat in the driver's seat of their family car, a shiny new Chevrolet Bel Air. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly in the clear blue sky. He turned to look at Melinda, who was sitting in the passenger seat, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Are you ready for some shopping?" he asked with a grin.
"Absolutely," Melinda replied. "I think Mary could use some new clothes, don't you?"
Jeff chuckled. "Well, she is growing up fast. And who knows, maybe we'll find something for you too."
Mary, who was sitting in the backseat, couldn't help but smile at their banter. She felt a strange mix of emotions - nervousness about spending time alone with her mother and stepfather, excitement about the idea of going shopping, and curiosity about the world beyond their small town.
As they drove through the quiet streets, Jeff hummed along to the tunes on the radio. Melinda leaned back in her seat, taking in the sights and sounds around her. Mary watched them both out of the corner of her eye, trying to understand the bond they shared.
Suddenly, Mary felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Jeff smiling at her. "So, what do you think, Mary? Anything catch your eye?" he asked.
Mary blushed, realizing that she had been lost in her thoughts. "Um, well, there's this dress I saw in a window display earlier," she said hesitantly. "It was really pretty." "Take your time! I'm going to see Melinda's pick inside her dressing room so keep an eye please for us!"...said Jeff and winked at her making her blush.
Inside the dressing room, Melinda stood in front of the mirror, trying on a new set of lingerie. The bra and garter were made of sheer silk, accentuating her curves in all the right places. She reached behind her back to adjust the straps, revealing a hint of her lacy panties and stockings.
As she turned to face Jeff, she noticed him staring at her reflection in the mirror. His eyes widened in surprise before a smile slowly spread across his face. "Wow," he breathed. "You look incredible."
Melinda blushed, feeling a wave of warmth spread through her body. She loved the way Jeff looked at her, with desire mixed with admiration. "Do you really like it?" she asked, her voice slightly trembling.
Jeff stepped forward, his hands tracing the delicate lace of her garters. "I love it," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "It makes me want to do... things to you."
Melinda's heart raced as Jeff's words sent a shiver down her spine. She could feel the heat between them growing stronger with each passing moment. Suddenly, she couldn't wait any longer. She grabbed Jeff by the lapels and pulled him closer, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.
As their tongues danced together, Melinda felt a hand slip inside her panties, teasing her swollen clit. She moaned into the kiss, her body arching against Jeff's touch. Their love for each other had only grown stronger over the years, and it seemed like they were constantly discovering new ways to express it.
As their kiss deepened, Melinda felt Jeff's hard cock pressing against her. She moaned into his mouth, wanting him inside her. Without breaking the kiss, she guided him to his knees and lowered herself onto his throbbing member.
Their moans and gasps filled the small dressing room as Jeff's hands found their way to Melinda's hips, pulling her closer. Their bodies moved together in a rhythm born of desire and lust. As Melinda felt herself getting closer to climax, she broke the kiss, gasping for air.
"Jeff," she panted, her voice shaking with pleasure. "I'm going to cum."
Jeff looked into Melinda's eyes, his own filled with desire. He knew that he couldn't hold back any longer. With a groan, he thrust deeper into her, filling her up completely. As their bodies met in a climax of unbridled passion, Melinda's walls clenched around him, milking his cock.
As their orgasms subsided, Melinda collapsed onto Jeff's chest, her breathing still ragged. She felt his warm semen dripping out of her, pooling on the floor between them. With a sigh, she pulled away, her knees wobbly.
"Let's get cleaned up," she whispered, her voice still shaking. "We don't want anyone to walk in on us." "Let's go for a steak and some wine"! Melinda leaned and whispered to Jeff's left ear. Jeff smiled, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "That sounds like a perfect idea," he agreed. "You both deserve a night out after that."
He helped Melinda up, his hands lingering on her hips as he brushed away any remaining traces of their passionate encounter. Then he turned to Mary, offering her his hand as well.
As they walked out of the dressing room, Jeff couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He loved these women more than anything else in the world, and he was grateful for the chance to share these moments with them.
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 5.


Outside, they found their car still parked where they left it. Jeff opened the door for Melinda, then helped Mary into the backseat. As they drove off, the setting sun cast a warm glow over the small town of New Hope, illuminating their journey ahead.
The restaurant was everything they had hoped for - dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background. The aroma of grilled steak and fine wine filled the air. The maître d' led them to a cozy booth in the back, where they were presented with menus.
Melinda's eyes scanned the menu, already salivating at the thought of a juicy steak. Mary, who had never been to a restaurant like this before, felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. But Jeff's reassuring hand on hers made her feel more at ease.
After they had placed their orders, Jeff reached for Mary's hand across the table. "I want you to know how much I appreciate you being here with us tonight," he said sincerely. "You're a part of this family now, and we love having you around."
Melinda nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mary," she added. "You've brought so much joy into our lives. We're lucky to have you."
As they continued to chat and enjoy their meal, the warmth and love that filled the small booth seemed to overflow into the rest of the restaurant. It was a perfect evening, filled with food, wine, and most importantly, family.
Mary couldn't help but feel a thrill running through her as Jeff's leg brushed against hers under the table. She had always been attracted to him, even before she became his stepdaughter. As they continued to eat and talk, she found herself leaning towards him, her body responding to the subtle touch.
When the waiter came to check on them, Mary took the opportunity to adjust her position, making sure her thigh was still pressed against Jeff's. She felt a warmth spreading through her, a mix of desire and nervousness. She couldn't help but wonder what might happen after they left the restaurant.
As the meal drew to a close, Jeff reached for the check. Melinda, knowing how much this night meant to him, had insisted that they split it evenly. As they stood up to leave, Jeff took Mary's hand once again, leading her out of the booth.
Their night was far from over...
Melinda looked at Jeff, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "How about we go to that jazz club I've been wanting to check out?" she suggested. "We could have some drinks and listen to some music."
Jeff turned to Mary, waiting for her response. He could see the curiosity in her eyes, and he was eager to see where the night would take them. "Sounds like a plan," he said, squeezing Mary's hand reassuringly.
They walked out of the restaurant, the warm night air caressing their skin. As they made their way towards the jazz club, the anticipation grew inside all three of them. The club was dimly lit, with soft lights flickering around the room. The sounds of jazz filled the air, creating an intimate atmosphere.
They found a table in the corner and ordered drinks - whiskey sours for Jeff and Melinda, a glass of white wine for Mary. As they sipped their drinks and listened to the music, their bodies swaying to the rhythm, the connection between them grew stronger.
It was a night filled with passion and desire, a night where boundaries were tested and limits pushed. As the clock struck midnight, the three of them knew that this was just the beginning of an adventure that would change their lives forever.
As the music faded away, Jeff looked at Melinda and Mary, his heart racing with excitement. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have both of these amazing women in his life.
Melinda looked around the club, her eyes scanning the crowd. "I think we've had enough," she said with a smile. "Let's call it a night."
They made their way towards the exit, their bodies still swaying to the rhythm of the music. Outside, the cool night air hit them, causing them to shiver.Melinda looked at Jeff and Mary. "You know, I think it's better if we take a cab," she said with a sigh. "I don't want to risk driving after all those drinks."
Jeff nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea," he said, reaching over to brush a strand of hair from her face. "We'll come pick up the car tomorrow." Jeff hailed a cab, and they climbed inside, their bodies pressed together in the small space.
As they gave the driver their destination, Mary leaned against Jeff, her heart racing with anticipation. She couldn't believe where this night was taking her. As the cab pulled away from the curb, the three of them looked at each other, their eyes filled with desire and lust. This was just the beginning of an adventure that would change their lives forever.
Melinda looked at Mary, her expression softening. She understood Mary's infatuation with Jeff; after all, she had felt it too in the beginning. But now, things were different. They were married, and their love for each other had grown deeper than anything they could have imagined.
"You know, Mary," Melinda began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think it's time we continued this night in our own bedroom." She glanced at Jeff, their eyes meeting. "We have some unfinished business to attend to."
Jeff's heart raced at her words. He couldn't wait to be alone with these two incredible women. He nodded in agreement, his hand finding Melinda's. "Let's go," he said, his voice thick with desire.
As they made their way to the bedroom, Melinda pulled a bottle of wine from the mini-fridge. "We're going to need this," she murmured, pouring them each a glass.
They sat on the edge of the bed, the wine warming their bodies. Melinda leaned against Jeff, her hand finding its way to Mary's thigh. She could feel the tension in Mary's body, and it only fueled her own desire.
The night was filled with passion and lust as the three of them explored their newfound desires. Boundaries were pushed, and limits were tested. It was a night that none of them would ever forget, a night where they discovered the depths of their love for each other.
Jeff had always been attracted to Mary, even before she became his stepdaughter. He couldn't help but feel a deep connection with her, a connection that only grew stronger over time. As they grew older, their feelings for each other evolved into something more - a passionate and intense love that knew no bounds.
Tonight, after years of hiding their desires, they finally gave into temptation. It was a night filled with raw emotion and unbridled passion. As Jeff made love to Melinda, he couldn't help but think about how much he wanted to share this experience with Mary.
Their love for each other had always been a complicated web of emotions, but tonight, they were all consumed by lust. As Jeff pushed into Mary's tight, virgin body, Melinda softly encouraged her. She knew how important this moment was for Mary, and she wanted her to enjoy every second of it.
Melinda's hands roamed over Jeff's body, her nails digging into his skin as she moaned with pleasure. She looked at Mary, her eyes filled with love and encouragement. "Take what you want," she whispered. "You deserve this."
As the night wore on, their bodies became entwined, their moans and gasps filling the room. It was a night of exploration and discovery, a night where boundaries were pushed and limits tested. In the end, they collapsed onto the bed, their hearts racing, their bodies spent. But as they lay there, holding each other close, they knew that this was just the beginning of an adventure that would last a lifetime.
Jeff lay in the middle, holding both Melinda and Mary close. His heart raced with excitement as he felt their warm, naked bodies pressed against his. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have these two incredible women in his life.
As he looked into their eyes, he shared deep and passionate kisses with them, their tongues dancing together in a sensual rhythm. The taste of their wine-stained lips sent shivers down his spine.
Melinda's hands traced circles on his chest, her nails dragging softly against his skin. She looked into his eyes, her heart full of love and desire. "I've never been happier," she whispered between kisses.
Mary, who had been watching them with a mixture of awe and longing, finally found the courage to speak. "I've never felt so... alive," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.
Jeff smiled at her, his eyes filled with love and lust. "You're both amazing," he murmured, his hands exploring their bodies once more. "And tonight, you're both mine."
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 6.


As the morning sun began to peek through the curtains, Mary's heart raced with excitement. She couldn't believe the night they'd just shared, and now she had a new desire burning inside her.
"Jeff," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Can I be your wife too? I want to share my life with you and Melinda forever."
Jeff looked at her, his eyes filled with love and surprise. "Mary," he breathed. "I never thought you'd feel that way."
Melinda, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "I would love for you to be my sister wife," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "And I'm sure there are groups out there that allow polyamorous weddings. We could look into it together."
The three of them held each other close, their hearts beating as one. They had found something truly special, a love that transcended boundaries and defied societal norms. And they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
As they stepped out of the cab and into the bright sunshine, Jeff turned to Melinda. "Do you know where we can go to have a polygamy wedding?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.
Melinda nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes," she said, taking his hand. "I've been doing some research scouring the pages of old newspapers and magazines, looking for any mention of groups or societies that might support our unique desires, and there are actually groups dedicated to this kind of thing. We just have to find the right one."
The three of them climbed into the car, their hearts beating with anticipation. They had no idea what the future held, but they knew that they were together, and that was all that mattered.
As they drove off into the distance, Jeff couldn't help but think about how lucky he was. He had always dreamed of finding true love, and now he had found it - not once, but twice. And with Melinda by his side, he knew that they could face anything life threw their way.
Inside the family car, a shiny new Chevrolet Bel Air, Jeff turned to Melinda as she pored over the map. "Do you have any idea where we're going yet?" he asked, his voice tinged with excitement and nervousness.
Melinda nodded, her eyes focused intently on the map. "I think I've found it," she said, pointing to a small town about an hour away.
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Dec 28, 2023
New Hope
Chapter 7.


"There's a Hoedipuspolygamus group there that supposedly accepts polygamy. It's our best shot."
Jeff and Mary looked at each other, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They knew that this was it - their chance to be together, truly and completely.
As they drove towards their destiny, the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, they held hands tightly, their love for each other burning bright. They were pioneers, forging their own path in a world that didn't always understand them. But they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
Jeff leaned forward, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Where is our first stop?" he asked, his voice quivering with anticipation.
Melinda looked up from the map, a small smile playing on her lips. "In Harrisburg," she replied. "There's a Hoedipuspolygamus group there that we can start with."
As they drove towards Harrisburg, the small town that held their dreams, Jeff couldn't help but think about how far they had come. From secret lovers to pioneers of a new kind of love, they were forging a path that would change their lives forever.
Mary, sitting in the passenger seat, held Jeff's hand tightly, her eyes filled with love and trust. They were in this together, and nothing could stop them now.
As they pulled into the parking lot of the Hoedipuspolygamus group in Harrisburg, Jeff's heart sank. The door was locked, and there was no one around.
Melinda looked at him, concern written all over her face. "What is it?" she asked.
"I don't know," he replied, his voice quivering. "Maybe they're not here."
Just then, a man in a suit walked out of the building. "Can I help you?" he asked, his eyes full of curiosity.
Jeff took a deep breath. "We're looking for a place to have a polygamy wedding," he said, hoping against hope that they had found their way.
The man's expression changed. "I'm sorry, but polygamy is still illegal in this state," he said. "You'll have to head to Fictiona, Fantasus."
Their hearts sank as they climbed back into the car. But they knew that they couldn't give up. They had come too far, and they loved each other too much. So they drove off into the sunset, towards Fictiona and the unknown.
Jeff looked at Melinda, his face etched with exhaustion and determination. "Where to now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Melinda looked at the map, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need to stop in Columbus for the night," she said. "It's a five-day journey to Fantasus, and we can't drive that far without rest."
Jeff nodded, his body aching from the long drive. But he knew that they couldn't give up now. They had come so close to finding their place, and they weren't about to give up now.
As they pulled into a motel outside of Columbus, Jeff turned to Mary, his eyes filled with love and hope. "Tomorrow," he said, his voice strong once more. "Tomorrow, we find our home."
And with that, they climbed out of the car, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand and heart to heart.
As the day drew to a close, Jeff found himself alone in the motel room, exhausted but unable to sleep. The anticipation of finally finding their place, their home, was too much to bear.
Just then, the bathroom door opened, and Melinda stepped out, her hair still damp from her shower. She was wearing one of Jeff's shirts, the buttons straining against her full breasts.
"Come on," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom. "I've been thinking," she continued as they entered the steamy bathroom. "Why don't we all take a shower together? It might help us relax."
Jeff looked at Mary, who nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Without another word, they stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading down on them, washing away the dust and grime of their journey.
As they soaped each other up, their hands roaming over each other's bodies, Jeff couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. They were in this together, and no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them hand in hand, heart to heart, and pussy to cock.
Melinda knelt down, her mouth engulfing Jeff's cock while Mary straddled his hips, her wet pussy just out of reach. She leaned in, her lips brushing against Jeff's, their tongues dancing together as Melinda bobbed up and down on his cock.
Their moans filled the small bathroom, mingling with the sound of running water. Their passion spiraled out of control as they lost themselves in each other's bodies.
Suddenly, Mary pulled away, her slick pussy glistening in the dim light. She lowered herself onto Jeff's cock, taking him deep inside her, moaning loudly as he filled her up.
As Melinda watched them, her hand finding its way to her own wet pussy, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. These two, so in love with each other, were willing to share every intimate moment. And she was more than happy to join them.
With their hearts pounding in their chests, the trio stumbled out of the shower and onto the bed. Melinda lay down on her back, her legs spread invitingly. Jeff couldn't resist, and he knelt between her legs, pushing his cock deep inside her.
Mary knelt beside them, her hands roaming over their bodies, her fingers finding their way into Melinda's wet pussy. As Jeff began to thrust into Melinda, Mary leaned in, her mouth finding its way to Jeff's cock. She took him deep, her tongue dancing with his as she teased Melinda's G-spot.
Their moans filled the room, mingling with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. It was primal, raw, and beautiful.
As they lost themselves in their passion, Melinda reached back, her hand finding Jeff's and guiding his hand to her ass. He squeezed, feeling her heat and desire. And with a growl, he pulled out of Melinda and turned her over, pushing his cock deep inside her again, this time from behind.
They moved as one, their bodies in sync, their hearts beating as one. And as Jeff drove into them both, Melinda couldn't help but think that this was it - this was the love they had been searching for.
Jeff pounded them both from behind, his cock buried deep inside their wet, willing pussies. Melinda's moans filled the room, her nails digging into his shoulders as she met his thrusts with her own.
Mary leaned forward, her lips finding Melinda's neck, her teeth nipping at her skin. The sensation sent shivers down Melinda's spine, making her moan louder.
As they moved together, their sweat mingling, their hearts racing, Jeff couldn't help but feel like he was the luckiest man alive. To have these two incredible women, so in love with him, sharing every intimate moment, was beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
And just when he thought it couldn't get any better, Melinda reached back, her hand finding Jeff's and guiding his hand to her clit. He began to tease her, circling her hard nub, and with a loud cry, she came, her pussy clenching around his cock.
It was then that Jeff felt his own orgasm building, and with a final thrust, he released his seed deep inside them both, their bodies shuddering together as they reached their climax.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, Jeff collapsed on top of them, his cock still buried deep inside Melinda. She looked up at him, their eyes locked, and she smiled.
"That was amazing," she breathed, her hand finding his and squeezing gently.
Mary leaned in, her lips meeting Jeff's in a slow, passionate kiss. "I agree," she murmured against his lips. "We're going to make the perfect team."
Slowly, they began to clean each other up, their hands roaming over slick, sweaty skin. They kissed and caressed, their love for each other palpable. And when they were finally clean, they lay together, their bodies entwined, their hearts beating as one.
"Now that's what I call a proper welcome," Jeff said with a chuckle, his hand finding Mary's.
"To us, and to our new home," Melinda added, her eyes shining with tears of joy.
And with that, they shared Jeff's sperm, their love for each other growing stronger with every taste.
As they lay there, basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter, Jeff couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. He looked down at Melinda and Mary, their bodies intertwined with his, and he knew that he had found his home.
With a sigh, he reached out, his hands finding their way to their necks. He gently pulled them closer, their breasts pressing against his chest. He looked into their eyes, and they looked back at him, their love shining through.
"I love you both," he whispered, his voice hoarse from their passion. "Thank you for welcoming me into your lives with such love and openness."
Melinda leaned in, her lips brushing against his. "We love you too, Jeff," she whispered back. "And we're happy to have you. Now, how about some sleep? We've got a big day tomorrow."
With that, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts beating in perfect harmony, their dreams filled with endless possibilities for the future they were building together.
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