Some eBooks for those interested


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Game Compressor
Jul 5, 2017
About a month or two back. Some Pact was giving away eBooks for a week or two. So I saved them and now they arent free any more :(

Just because I know there are smartasses here. These contain no nudity, titties or free beer. These for the people who want the books to something better or improve what they are already doing.

What is the the pack
Docker Cookbook -
Export Python Programming -
Git Best Practices Guide -
GitHub Essentials -
Go Programming Blueprints -
Java Deep Learning Essentials -
Learning C by Creating Games with UE4 -
Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition -
Learning Object-Oriented Programming -
Learning PHP 7 -
Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook -
Mastering Docker -
Mastering Linux Shell Scripting -
Practical Data Science Cookbook -
Practical DevOps -
Procedural Content Generation for C Game Development -
Python 3 Object-oriented Programming - Second Edition -
Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints -
Unity 5.x Cookbook -
What You Need to Know about Docker - FREE
What You Need To Know About Node.js - FREE

- - - - - -


Jun 17, 2017
Just because I know there are smartasses here. These contain no nudity, titties or free beer

... Well I am smart and can be quite the ass:tf:.... So I'd say you're spot on, can't speak anyone else though. x'D

Thanks for the books :FeelsGoodMan: