RPGM - Completed - Abducted & Reverse Raped By Busty Loli Aliens [v1.0] [Dieselmine]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    DEAAAAAAM HOW I LOVE DIESELMINE WORK HE KNOW HOW TO DO IT well the game is simple and short and the only reason this gets better rewiev is bcs for the CG animations the desings and the VA that are GREAT i highly recommend it 8,5/10 (sorry for my bad englis)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Short as hell but really good, there's nothing much to say, you get abducted and reverse raped by busty aliens and that's about it, the gameplay is standard "don't get caught" rpgmaker gameplay but the pixel art is really good.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    There is no CG art, only pixel art&animations, that's the best part, glad that author finally made atleast one game without his stock looking CG artstyle and made only pixel arts.
    Only three base fetishes, tbh, it's better in that way, I really like straight sex in games from this dev, but most of the times there is so little of it and here its atleast 1/3 of all content[yellow alien girl]. Surprisingly pretty enjoyed magenta butt alien girl too so it's 2/3 of all content.
    Game very kawaii, without even any dark plot twist, and I love it.
    The only downside - it's short, but it's doing it's, with simple plot, job great. Deserves 5 stars.
    Also most of the games from this dev ain't really that long if we skipping all CG scenes.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a short but sweet kind of deal. There's only 3 "levels" and they're really not that hard. The animations are great, though. All in pixel art and well animated. The translation feels quite odd, but it's not poetry levels of
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a shorter game, but if you like the Dieselmine (pixel)art and animations as much as I do you'll enjoy your time with it.

    Aside from the length, my only real complaints are about the translations as it seems to have been translated from Spanish to English, leading to some sentences being structured weirdly. And the spacing of the words causing some of the text to fit the boxes weirdly.

    Overall, I'd say give the game a play. It's short, as previously stated, with simple puzzles/mazes...and plenty of big assed and big tiddy aliens.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Just what it says on the tin.

    TL - 2/5 - The translation leaves much to be desired for (it seems it was translated from Japanese to Spanish.. then from Spanish to English), and it desperately needs a wordwrap fix, but honestly, the text isn't terribly necessary.

    Plot - You're a boy (that for whatever reason was wandering naked in a field, but let's look past that) that gets randomly abducted by aliens. The aliens, who change color based on their sexual desires, are using you as a test to see if they should invade Earth. If you can resist their seduction and escape their ship, they'll deem humanity too much effort to conquer and move on.
    Sure, why not. Works for me.

    Gameplay - 4/5 - Maze-based RoR with a twist. If you are caught, you can button mash to escape, but if you climax, you become "infatuated", and thoughts of what just raped you literally cloud your vision, getting progressively worse. Four times and it's game over.

    Art/animation - 5/5 - Usual stellar pixel animation you expect from Dieselmine. No notes.

    Duration - very short - Only five short maze levels. Expect to finish the game in 15-30 minutes assuming no game overs.

    Conclusion - 4/5 - Points docked for translation quality and game length, but still worth a play.