Symphony of the Serpent (NLT) comments, questions, answers


May 8, 2017


Here's a small preview of the fighting system that's coming in Symphony of the Serpent. It's still far from complete, but you can get an idea of what it'll look like.

As I've stated in the past, this fighting system will not be skill based or turn based. That was important to me going into it. What we have here is something of real-time chess. It's all about choosing your movement, upgrading your abilities and health, finding items, and using special moves. There will be lots of enemy types with different movement patterns and abilities that will test your strategic battle planning.

Another important aspect of this system is a focus on multiple ways to defeat enemies. You will be able to brute force victory or use clever tactics like manipulating the environment. You can also use special items or abilities in smart ways to make the fight easier. Would love to hear some feedback and ideas!

Thank you all for the support and have a fantastic week!


May 8, 2017
Weekly Report

Check out the new movement and map style in Symphony of the Serpent! Here you can see the isometric view in full display. Escovia is an arid place, but you can still expect sand storms! Better not venture too far out in the desert when one of these storms is on the way. Pictured above is the red light district of Escovia. We're testing some new methods of displaying areas on the screen and these new maps are not short on cool weather, lighting, shadow, and focus effects that make it pop in a way that the previous titles haven't. You'll also notice that the zoom level can change from map to map always giving you the best view of the areas you're in. I think this is a new step forward into giving you a good sense of space in a 3rd person view.

In other news, we're moving forward with some polish of the now-completed and voiced scenes that will appear in chapter 1. One major piece missing right now is the music. We're working with multiple curators/composers to create a fantastic soundtrack, but there's an opportunity for you to help if you're interested. Go to Discord and visit the Patreon only channel to find the signup sheet if you'd like to help us source awesome sounding music.

Thank you for all the support! The big launch of SotS is next month!


May 22, 2021
it´s funny to see how people complains about how NLT-Media doesn´t "change" the formula that made him known in the community, when he is one of the few, or maybe the one that put the bar so high in terms of quality and built such a big community with his great stories and characters. You can like or not some aspects of the games, but to call him boring or despise the work he has put and is putting into each of his projects is just crazy.