Others Game Dev for game called "Middle Management"


Game Developer
May 2, 2024
I am creating a game called "Middle Management" which is still in development, so I do not have pictures to share but I do have Ideas so let me list them and when I have images and trailers, I will edit or post them later

*Description of game*
You are a middle man of the worst possible company, a company so black that it will make your eyes bleed, yes, you work for a organization with the sole objective to conquer the world. SO WHY HAVE WE BEEN DEFEATED, well the executives of the company blamed the minions for their lack of communication and ability to follow orders. so you were kidna....hired to fix the problem by become the go between the executives, the minion and even the Evil Overlord himself, all the while you let their constant abuse of your talents taint your heart black and set to get revenge in the best way possible

So yeah in this game you play as the ugliest man alive, so ugly that you were the fall guy for your last companies failure even though your ego says it because you were too talented for the upstarts, it really had more to do with the constant abuse of your power, so you were "hired" the by the E.V.I.L corporation to manage their affairs all the while defeating the heroines of the story in order to make sure your not killed for insubordination


*Troop Battles: The heroines are tough, after all they were created to obliterate E.V.I.L and so no one man can beat them but together we may stand a chance: The game will feature a complex troop system that lets players adjust their strategies. Each individual unit contributes to the overall Troop stats which will let you fight stronger enemies that one man cannot fight alone

*Middle management: You will be tasked with handing all the affairs in the office, including make sure to do your executive bosses jobs for them with daily tasks which will change depending on how far in the game you are, feeding and disciplining the minions so that their not too rowdy and making sure to accomplish main goals within allotted times to prevent the boss from "firing" you

*Upgrade system: The upgrade system will be implemented in the lab and will allow the miraculous ability to increase the amount of things you can do per day, research in devilish deeds and even give your great overlord new fun toys to distract him from the fact your deadline came up, possibly extending said date

*Corruption System: With this game being in alpha I cannot make promises but what I want is a system in which the player can make decision on how to corrupt the heroines, allowing the player to turn a offensive heroine into a defensive one or a all rounder and in order to visualize this I wanted to add three separate corruption paths that each heroine can take

*Materials Hunt: This game has a material hunt battle, which will help with creation of weapon, armor and even devices to corrupt the heroines (make sure to go to the lab to use materials), thanks to the facts that it uses a map square take over gameplay, heroine wont be capture unless you take over the areas the patrol as well, but there is a bonus to doing this ahead of time and that is. This will increase the amount or even the quality of the material you can gain from the material hunt battle.

Corruption, management, transformation are the base tags, I cannot currently think of more but will probably most likely add more

*Need help*
While I am developing the game, it gonna take me sometime to learn how to draw better for better quality art and I am still learning the ropes of Gadot and so it will take me some time on my own, I am asking for help with said project and if no says they will, I will still work on it but I can do faster releases if I have a artist who can do the art and or programmer to help teach me the ropes and assist with making the game, if you are looking for payment email me and we will discuss payment then and what we can do about it.

I have a link for Subscribestar but I was told by F95 I cannot post links until I do three messages so I will update when I have posted those three messages with links to the payment site.


Game Developer
May 2, 2024
I have to practice to keep up, community engagement and so I am going to so say that the Alpha for the game is finished with all the core systems implemented, except for the ones the require art to finish and so they game is in a completely playable state, though it the gameplay could be optimized more.
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Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Give me a holler if you need any help or suggestions on how to do certain things in Godot, I can probably help. My own game is made with it, too, so I know a thing or two of the engine.


Game Developer
May 2, 2024
Give me a holler if you need any help or suggestions on how to do certain things in Godot, I can probably help. My own game is made with it, too, so I know a thing or two of the engine.
That's extremely helpful, thank you


Game Developer
May 2, 2024
I apologize for the terrible release, I had though the game was better and it was not, so I am reworking things now to make it better currently I am-

Adding better UI and background art to support the UI, hopefully wont be as bland

Reworking combat so it a little slower since Gadot it calculating it quickly and so it feels less like a battle and more like a button press, I also plan to add variety by giving enemies charged attack or special attacks and maybe even add some life the the grunts by getting busts for them and or by adding more characters like the execs in the intro, also better if I get some busts for them. I am also adding a improved map, because I had plans for a better map but I didn't get around to it

Management system, which I am going to do better with by adding more content to it by, adding the prison and hopefully use it when I get some art for character corruptions, improve the daily tasks so that they feel a little more alive than just a list, adding actual consequence to the days left ending, make the minion disobedient and preventing you from conquest your enemies.
I will also make the upgrade tree better so it isn't a static click to move on, I also want to add a bit more to make the life of a middle manager, slightly more frustrating to deal with.

I currently do not have scenes in the game because I am still trying to get the art (everything is so expensive). Once I get those I will implement them immediately.

I am probably keep with engagement but the next release will be a bit later since I have a long list of things to do. So once again I apologize, I am new to all this but I am not saying that so you cant scrutinize me. I am saying that I can ask you to be a bit more patient with an idiot like me.