AQE Game Help Fps stuck at 45


Jun 14, 2018
I wanted to bring up the fps issue I've been having. I'll post my issue once more this time on the troubleshooting forums. I'll try my best to make sure everything is grammatically correct (I'm not the best at English). The game is Alien Quest Eve. Its on these forums somewhere.

My frame rate is stuck at 45fps in game (jumping between 43fps - 47.8fps). It goes up to 160fps in gallery. 55fps in the pause/status menu.

While the game is running on the latest versoin, I also launched version .12 (older version) at the same time (so running both games one on each monitor). This version runs at 60fps in game.

Why is the question. I was thinking maybe the latest version is just more gpu intensive. So I looked up overclocking. I decided to test it by cranking up my gpu mem and clock speeds a bit. The fps doesn't change at all (I also tested skyrim. I do see a 2-4 fps increase).

If overclocking isn't changing my fps in AQE.... then it really must be something else pertaining to amd.


One thing I did notice is my core speed (cpu) is jumping all over the place. From 930mhz which you see here on the CPU-Z app to 2640+ mhz back to 930

Is this normal?

Its like constant back and forth every 0.40 seconds with minor changes in numbers.

Now while the game is playing, the cpu clock speed jumps between any numbers of 1700mhz to 2300mhz and the numbers change constantly unlike the first scenario's constant 2 numbers. My Gpu shows 700mhz while the game is running on MSI App. I can overclock if I want but the fps doesn't change. Not even the minimum number.

I'm also showing my amd gaming settings. Everything is at default. In power play, Its set to maximum performance. I see no other settings worth changing as far as gaming goes.

Finally, I checked my bios to see if anything is off. One thing that caught my attention is Asus Turbo boost mode. I can set it to normal and turbo. It was on normal. I tried turbo but it made no difference on AQE. Surprisingly, turbo mode dropped my fps in skyrim so I kept it on normal.

I thought I could fix it on my own, but after all this, I really need some professional help.

Perhaps there is some files I can change in the latest version of the game to match the old version?

Last thing, I'd like you to rate my English out of 10? 10 being best.