4.20 star(s) 17 Votes
Sep 6, 2021
So I didn't draw the flames quite right? Are you kidding me?
Honestly, I kind of was. It was inaccurate, but it's utterly meaningless to complain about it; I was kind of making fun of myself - the fact that I enjoy ranting about shit that doesn't matter at all.
how about a guy whose skeleton was replaced by some metal I made up called Diranium? Why aren't you ranting about that?
Because that's straight technological magic - you made it up, and it's not related to actual science.
I do really like the game. I just also like to complain ;)


Nov 24, 2021
Oh, and I love pineapple on pizza. But fresh and cold on top of a hot pizza. That's good stuff. But, not everyone likes it. And that's okay. Really.
that way i can accept it. hot pineapple just gets dry and snotty but if the pineapple is cold ontop a hot pizza it might be good yes. also cant wait for next update and get back to my little engineer.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Honestly, I kind of was. It was inaccurate, but it's utterly meaningless to complain about it; I was kind of making fun of myself - the fact that I enjoy ranting about shit that doesn't matter at all.

Because that's straight technological magic - you made it up, and it's not related to actual science.
I do really like the game. I just also like to complain ;)
Well, I must say... at least you're a good sport about me ranting back at you LMFAO! That was a pleasant surprise because there usually ends up being some big debate in here. Anyway, no harm done. And I really don't mind constructive criticism... in fact, I thrive on it. When I read stuff like that, I copy and paste it into my notes for the game (if it's something I can realistically fix). Some people complain about ridiculous things though that you can't do anything about (or I just don't have the time to do).

that way i can accept it. hot pineapple just gets dry and snotty but if the pineapple is cold ontop a hot pizza it might be good yes. also cant wait for next update and get back to my little engineer.
Yeah I'm not a fan of warm pineapple. And... a Natalie fan, nice! You deserve and ice cream for that ;)



Nov 24, 2021
Well, I must say... at least you're a good sport about me ranting back at you LMFAO! That was a pleasant surprise because there usually ends up being some big debate in here. Anyway, no harm done. And I really don't mind constructive criticism... in fact, I thrive on it. When I read stuff like that, I copy and paste it into my notes for the game (if it's something I can realistically fix). Some people complain about ridiculous things though that you can't do anything about (or I just don't have the time to do).

Yeah I'm not a fan of warm pineapple. And... a Natalie fan, nice! You deserve and ice cream for that ;)

View attachment 3700615
now thats a good reward :D only need to add some stroopwafel bits to it. (dutch treat 2 thin waffles with syrup in the middle)


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
now thats a good reward :D only need to add some stroopwafel bits to it. (dutch treat 2 thin waffles with syrup in the middle)
You know, when I made that scene, I didn't have many assets for ice cream cones, just that one. Then later I found a ton of them. Maybe I'll go back later and replace them just for the hell of it :D
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Sep 6, 2021
That was a pleasant surprise because there usually ends up being some big debate in here.
Nah, I don't generally take disagreements in design criteria to be fundamental attacks against my values. It's good to have differences; if you made the game exactly like I would do it, it would be terrible. The fact that it is very good justifies your decisions, even if I'm not thrilled with certain aspects of it.
Although, given that this is the internet, I can see why you were worried I might not be reasonable.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
Nah, I don't generally take disagreements in design criteria to be fundamental attacks against my values. It's good to have differences; if you made the game exactly like I would do it, it would be terrible. The fact that it is very good justifies your decisions, even if I'm not thrilled with certain aspects of it.
Although, given that this is the internet, I can see why you were worried I might not be reasonable.
It's not that I worry... it's just that it is common when it comes to these games. I can get a little defensive too sometimes. I also don't like things in my thread to devolve into ugly arguments, which has happened. The funny thing is, arguments about stuff that was already covered a long time ago can constantly come back up again. Some can be unreasonable about the most mundane things too. Devs of AVN's are judged harshly, and I've had to accept that. It doesn't matter if you're just learning or even improving. You've got millions of different ideas and opinions or preferences out there and if you don't check at least some number of boxes for them, some will post in here or write a review that just rips you to shreds. But I find solace in the fact that across the various platforms I am on, I have probably around 5000 or so followers total. So, I'm doing something right at least for a certain crowd.


Jun 15, 2022
It's not that I worry... it's just that it is common when it comes to these games. I can get a little defensive too sometimes. I also don't like things in my thread to devolve into ugly arguments, which has happened. The funny thing is, arguments about stuff that was already covered a long time ago can constantly come back up again. Some can be unreasonable about the most mundane things too. Devs of AVN's are judged harshly, and I've had to accept that. It doesn't matter if you're just learning or even improving. You've got millions of different ideas and opinions or preferences out there and if you don't check at least some number of boxes for them, some will post in here or write a review that just rips you to shreds. But I find solace in the fact that across the various platforms I am on, I have probably around 5000 or so followers total. So, I'm doing something right at least for a certain crowd.
No matter what.. you can never satisfy all of the people all of the time. Just go with what you want to do with the story and there will always be a crowd that likes it well enough. No matter what game I play, it is never perfect for me simply because I did not make it myself to my personal specifications. If I am going to play someone else's game or VN, I have to be cognizant of that and accept that there will be aspects I might not wholly agree with or like. If I like the VN or game enough in total, then whatever I do not agree with is good enough. There are too many people out there that want a developer to cater just to their particular whims to the detriment of everybody else that actually likes the direction a VN or game is going. Those are usually the ones that were never told "NO" as a two year old and always got the lollipop when they threw a tantrum (bad parenting). Just do what you do and there will always be plenty of us that do like what is being provided.
Sep 6, 2021
Devs of AVN's are judged harshly, and I've had to accept that.
... I'm doing something right at least for a certain crowd.
You're doing quite a lot right. Take it from me, an asshole.
There are too many people out there that want a developer to cater just to their particular whims to the detriment of everybody else
Absolutely. I'm definitely not the best about that, but I agree in principle. So many people can't distinguish between design criteria and flaws in execution. (Although it's not always easy to distinguish the two.)
Reasonable people will have different opinions - in part due to taste - but it often is the case that the unreasonable people are the loudest. (Although I wouldn't necessarily ascribe that to bad parenting.) Often because the reasonable thing to do is to just move on without making a scene.
I try to be reasonable though. While I complained a bit about the science, I was never going to knock off a star for it, when I ultimately review this game (probably after its next update.) There are plenty of things I do knock off stars for, but not in this game. Because it's very good.


Jun 15, 2022
Reasonable people will have different opinions - in part due to taste - but it often is the case that the unreasonable people are the loudest. (Although I wouldn't necessarily ascribe that to bad parenting.)
It's just an example, but one that does make a lot of sense for the majority of cases. Just a hypothesis since there is no experimental data to fall back on for this specific indicator.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019

Hello my friends, I hope you all had a great weekend!

So today I find myself doing some double work because of a stupid mistake I made in almost all the renders from a scene I was working on. When you do a game with cat girls (or Nekos if you prefer), there are a few things you have to be careful of because the ears and tail are 'items' you add to characters. Sometimes though, there is a need to remove the ears (like if they'll be using a helmet or something) because they'll bleed through. I had made and saved a version of one of the girls for this scene where she would have the cat suit (armor) on. For that, you make her bald with no cat ears because you only see her helmet. Well, when I created the part where she removes the helmet, I edited her with the cat suit without the helmet, put her hair back, and I forgot to turn her ears back on. It was a totally stupid, noob thing. I kept working that way for quite a while, never noticing her ears were missing.

What happens is you get going, things are going great... you get a lot done and BAM! You decide to go through the renders and check for issues. You almost forget about those cat ears (it's easier to do than you think). When I noticed this, well... <sigh>... At first, it was around 40 renders. At the end of all my checking... it's 79 renders in total. I have to redo all of them. Yes, that is a setback and all because of a bonehead lack of attention on my part. It isn't really double work but might as well be. I save EVERY scene before I render it. So, all I really have to do is reload the scenes, replace that character in the scene with the corrected one, save it, and render it again (replacing the bad ones). I have about 25 of them done right now and just working my way through them. It's like my dad always used to say when an issue gets in your way - the only way through this mess is just 'through it'. So, we press on and get it done. No sense complaining when you've got a job to do. So, I'll smile and press on as usual.

And speaking of this scene, it's a long one... 292 lines of code, 127 renders. I was just over half way through it when I realized my mistake. Bright side... glad I caught it when I did. And lesson learned... will definitely have to pay closer attention in the future. Even with this little setback, I still feel like I'm on track to have this update ready by July 28th (my birthday). I'll be a little disappointed if I can't finish it by that day, but if it does run beyond that date, it won't be by much I don't think.

Well, not much more to talk about right now. And I just want to get back to redoing these images and try to get them done by tomorrow so that I can finish the scene and move on. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and for those of you who are already back at work because its Monday for you, take your time and just get through the week. Take care guys and gals, love you all, ...Fire
Apr 2, 2023
So today I find myself doing some double work because of a stupid mistake I made in almost all the renders from a scene I was working on. When you do a game with cat girls (or Nekos if you prefer), there are a few things you have to be careful of because the ears and tail are 'items' you add to characters. Sometimes though, there is a need to remove the ears (like if they'll be using a helmet or something) because they'll bleed through. I had made and saved a version of one of the girls for this scene where she would have the cat suit (armor) on. For that, you make her bald with no cat ears because you only see her helmet. Well, when I created the part where she removes the helmet, I edited her with the cat suit without the helmet, put her hair back, and I forgot to turn her ears back on. It was a totally stupid, noob thing. I kept working that way for quite a while, never noticing her ears were missing.

What happens is you get going, things are going great... you get a lot done and BAM! You decide to go through the renders and check for issues. You almost forget about those cat ears (it's easier to do than you think). When I noticed this, well... <sigh>... At first, it was around 40 renders. At the end of all my checking... it's 79 renders in total. I have to redo all of them. Yes, that is a setback and all because of a bonehead lack of attention on my part. It isn't really double work but might as well be. I save EVERY scene before I render it. So, all I really have to do is reload the scenes, replace that character in the scene with the corrected one, save it, and render it again (replacing the bad ones). I have about 25 of them done right now and just working my way through them. It's like my dad always used to say when an issue gets in your way - the only way through this mess is just 'through it'. So, we press on and get it done. No sense complaining when you've got a job to do. So, I'll smile and press on as usual.
It happens to the best of us. I used to do that all the time in my younger days as well when I would get in the zone. I have learned to actively slow down in my old age lol. At least you caught it relatively early. Stoked for the new update!

4.20 star(s) 17 Votes